Blue bird
Chery and Mary were verypoor. And old woman from next doorwalked
In. “I have heard that my daughter can be healed once she sees a
blue bird. Have you everseen one?”
“Can you go and find one for me?” the old woman asked.
Chery and Mary met their grandparents, who had already died in the
They gave Chery and Mery a blkue bird as a gift.
But by the got home, the blue bird had turn black.
They now went to the palace of Darkness to look for a blue bird.
The cat was afraid that he would become what he was before.
“I’m going to put a stop to their plans.” The cat wemt ahead of
Them to the
“Your majesty.
“Ther is no suchthing as a blue bird here.”
Chery and Mery. They ran until they found a room with a light.
There were many blue birds in the room.
“I bet there are many blue birds in the forest.”
The cat went ahead of them said to a stately tree.
Two boys are coming to steal one of your blue birds.”
The trees and the animals attacked them.
It suddenly became very quiet.
In the cxastle they saw many fat people eating delicious
Looking food.
Although they were very hungry they didn’t eat the food.
The Fairy of Light was pointing at some beautiful angels.
Chery and Mary met their mother. But she disappeared when they called to her.
“lets go find a blue bird in the Castl;e of the Future.”
The Fairy of light said.
be when they were born.
The Fairy of Light found a blue bird. They fell from the cloud.
The blue bird turned red.
Ther was a blue bird between their beds.
Their mother had given them a blue bird as apresent.
The old woman from next door came to visit and they gave it to her.
“thank you.”
Her daughter was healed after looking at the blue bird. They sent the
Blue bird away so that other people who are in need can be helped by him.
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