Thursday, March 25, 2010

Pancakes with Maple Syrup

Canada’s most famous dish is pancakes with maple syrup. It is traditionally eaten for breakfast, and can be found on the menu in practically every diner in the country.
Pancakes are made from eggs, milk and flour, and they are cooked on a griddle. They are round and quite thick, and they are served with maple syrup poured over the top.
Maple syrup is made from the sap of the sugar maple tree. The sap is collected from the trees in easy spring, then boiled until it turns into a golden syrup. The syrup is delicious when poured on ice-cream, waffles and, of course, pancakes.


Fish and Chips

One of Britain’s best-known meals is fish and chips. It is not only delicious, but also a part of British culture.The fish is covered batter (made from eggs, milk and flour) then fried in hot oil. When cooked the batter crispy and the piece of fresh fish inside is soft. This is served with chips, pieces of deep fried potato, which are then sprinkled with salt and vinegar.
Fish and chip shops have been around since the 19th century. It was traditional in parts of Britain to eat fish and chips on Friday evening. Families would usually buy them from their nearest shop and serve them at home. It used to be quite a cheap meal and was often server wrapped in newspaper.


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

My hobby

Every body hastheir own hobbies. It depends on their interest characters and even age. Also it depends on our surr oundings. A hobby is something done for pleasure. Every one in my family has their own hobby. My father likes playing cress my younger brother is hobby is collecting stamps. My hobby is collecting and reading books.

I think that it has become popular. I have read many books by the worlds great writers in the world. My friend Jargal also likes reading books we like to talk about what we read in them. Books help me to learn many new things. L think my hobby will help me future career. In my leisure time. I like listening to music. I collect tape record inds of music its someticms listen.


Thursday, March 18, 2010

Mongolian old money pictures


My working day

My working day is very busy. I have a lot of work everyday. The weeks working day is Monday, Wednesday and Thursday are the busiestday. I always getup 8 o clock. I get dressed walk to the bathroom and look at the mirror brush my teeth wash my facecoreb my hair. Then I have a cup of tea and toast for breakfast. I sometimes left home. I arrive at 10 o clock at the library. Our lesson starts at 1 o clock. My causin is school hear the university. Then I go home and cook dinner. I eat alone in the kitchen at 7:00 and then I do you home work. Then so I ofthen help my sister. In my free time I like playing chess. I every read books and watch TV in the evenings. L go to bed at 12:30pm.


Blue bird

Chery and Mary were verypoor. And old woman from next doorwalked

In. “I have heard that my daughter can be healed once she sees a

blue bird. Have you everseen one?”

“Can you go and find one for me?” the old woman asked.

Chery and Mary met their grandparents, who had already died in the Land of Recollection.

They gave Chery and Mery a blkue bird as a gift.

But by the got home, the blue bird had turn black.

They now went to the palace of Darkness to look for a blue bird.

The cat was afraid that he would become what he was before.

“I’m going to put a stop to their plans.” The cat wemt ahead of

Them to the Palace of Darkness.

“Your majesty.We have come to get a blue bird.”

“Ther is no suchthing as a blue bird here.”All of sudden some monsters attacked

Chery and Mery. They ran until they found a room with a light.

There were many blue birds in the room.But when the blue birds flew out, they died.

“I bet there are many blue birds in the forest.”The Fairy of Light said.

The cat went ahead of them said to a stately tree.“king of the forest.

Two boys are coming to steal one of your blue birds.”“Is that so. I’ll teach them a lesson.” “Can we have a blue bird?”

The trees and the animals attacked them.Chery turned the diamond on his hat.

It suddenly became very quiet.“Let’s go the Castle off Happiness.”

In the cxastle they saw many fat people eating delicious

Looking food.“you will become lazy once you eat the food”.

Although they were very hungry they didn’t eat the food.

The Fairy of Light was pointing at some beautiful angels.

Chery and Mary met their mother. But she disappeared when they called to her.

“lets go find a blue bird in the Castl;e of the Future.”

The Fairy of light said.The babies there were being assigned what they were going to

be when they were born.

The Fairy of Light found a blue bird. They fell from the cloud.

The blue bird turned red.“Help” The two boys woke up.

Ther was a blue bird between their beds.

Their mother had given them a blue bird as apresent.

The old woman from next door came to visit and they gave it to her.

“thank you.”

Her daughter was healed after looking at the blue bird. They sent the

Blue bird away so that other people who are in need can be helped by him.


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

beautiful nature

It is my Mongolian countryside


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Smoke that Thunders

Victoria Falls is the English name for a mighty waterfall on the Zambezi River between Zambia and Zimbabwe which is 1.7 kilometres wide and 108 metres deep. The first European to see the falls was Scottish explorer Dr David Livingstone, on 16th November 1855.He named the falls in honour of Britain’s Queen Victoria.The falls produce a huge cloud of spray, which can be seen more than 100 km away.The spray and the tremendous noise of the water give the falls their local name,Mosi-oa tunya ‘The smoke that thunders’.


Tasmanian Devil

The Tasmanian devil is now extinct in the rest of Australia, but a few can still be found in remote parts of Tasmania.About the size of a small dog, this marsupial is called a ‘devil’ because of its fierse looks, its bad temper and the strange noise it makes. Despite its large jaws, strong teeth and aggressive behaviour, it doesn’t often hunt other animals.Instead, it eats animals – mainly sheep – that are already dead when it finds them.


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Did you know?

The Tube
The London Underground train service – or the ‘Tube’, as Londoners call it – is the oldest and largest in the world. The first underground railway line opened in January 1863. The line was only 6 km long, but others were soon started, and in 1890 a line was opened which ran under the River Thames. Today the Tube has over 406 km of lines and 275 stations. Passengers make a total of 3 million journeys a year
•About 18 million individual passengers a year use the Tube – the same number as the population of Australia.
•The Tube has a total of 408 escalators 112 lifts. Waterloo station has the most escalators, with 25.
•During World War ll, ehen the city was heavily bombed in German air raids, Londoners used Tube station platforms as a place to shelter.
•The Underground logo (top), which is still used today, was designed in 1913.
Black Cabs

Licensed public cabs have existed in London since 1643. They wee still some horse-drawn cabs in London as late as 1947. By law, each cab had to have enough extra space to carry a bale of hay for the horse. Although nowadays London’s black cabs are all motor cars, the old law about extra space has still not changed!  
There are about 19,000 cabs in London and 22,000 drivers. As wellas special driving test, lincensed cab drivers have to pass a very difficult test called the Knowledge of London. To pass, a driver must know all about London and its hotels, theatres, stations, hospital, public buildings, restaurants, parks and so on, as well as the shortest way to get to any of them. As if that wasn’t enough, the driver has to know ALL OF THE 25,000 STREETS within 10 km of the centre of the city!


Famous foods

Irish Stew 
Any Irish person will tell you that the best Irish stew is the one their mother makes. In fact, no two Irish stews are the same, because everyone who cooks it changes the recipe in their own way. Originally, Irish stew was a dish that poorer made because it was cheap and filling. The main Ingredients were lamp and potatoes, both of which were easy to find in Ireland. Other ingredients were usually onions, carrots and parsley. Today, Irish stew is still the same basic dish a kind of thick soup or casserole made of meat, potatoes and vegetables. However, the exact recipe varies to suit individual tastes and the availability of ingredients. For example, many ,Irish immigrants in America found beef to be cheaper and more available than lamp, and so they used beef instead. Some recipes have even changed this simple dish into a gourmet meal.
Burger and Fries
A burger and fries is by far the mo0st popular type of meal bought in the US. In fact, Americans buy almost 5 billion burgers a year! This popularity has spread around the world with the growth of international “fast food” restaurant chains.
Any people say that the first burger was served at the St Louis World’s Fair in 1904.The first chain of burger restaurant stared with the White Castle burger is made from about 100 grams of minced beef which is fried or grilled, then served in a bun covered with sesame seeds. The growing popularity of vegetarianism has also led to burgers made from soy been “meat” instead. Fries, also called French fries, are cooked like English chips, but they are cut into thinner slices.
A burger and French fries may not be the healthiest not be the healthiest meal in the world – but it is certainly one of the world’s favorites  
Pancakes with Maple Syrup
Canada’s most famous dish is pancakes with maple syrup. It is traditionally eaten for breakfast, and can be found on the menu in practically every diner in the country.
Pancakes are made from eggs, milk and flour, and they are cooked on a griddle. They are round and quite thick, and they are served with maple syrup poured over the top.
Maple syrup is made from the sap of the sugar maple tree. The sap is collected from the trees in easy spring, then boiled until it turns into a golden syrup. The syrup is delicious when poured on ice-cream, waffles and, of course, pancakes 


Monday, March 1, 2010

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Great Chingis khaan

Chingis haan

 The knights at their tournaments, in their finery, armor and emblems of ancestry, believed they were the foremost warriors in the world, while Mongol warriors thought otherwise. Mongol horses were small, but their riders were lightly clad and they moved with greater speed. These were hardy men who grew up on horses and hunting, making them better warriors than those who grew up in agricultural societies and cities. Their main weapon was the bow and arrow. And the Mongols of the early 1200s were highly disciplined, superbly coordinated and brilliant in tactics.The Mongols were illiterate, religiously shamanistic and perhaps no more than 700,000 in number. Their language today is described as Altaic, a language unrelated to Chinese, derived from inhabitants in the altai mountain range in western Mongolia - a language unrelated to Chinese. They were herdsmen on the grassy plains north of the Gobi Desert and south of Siberian forests. Before the year 1200, the Mongols were fragmented, moving about in small bands headed by a chief, or khan, and living in portable felt dwellings, called by the Mongols " ger." The Mongols endured frequent deprivations and sparse areas for grazing their animals. They frequently fought over turf, and during hard times they occasionally raided, interested in goods rather than bloodshed. They did not collect heads or scalps as trophies and did not notch wood to record their kills.From his late teens to age thirty-eight in 1200, a Mongol named Temujin (Temüjin) rose as khan over various families. He was a good manager, collecting people of talent. He was vassal to Ong Khan, titular head of a confederacy better organized than other Mongol clans. Temujin joined Ong Khan in a military campaign against Tatars to their east, and following the success of this campaign Ong Khan declared Temujin his adoptive son and heir. Ong Khan's natural son, Senggum (Senggüm), had been expecting to succeed his father and plotted to assassinate Temujin. Temujin learned of this, and those loyal to Temujin defeated those loyal to Senggum. Temujin was now established as the head of what had been Ong Khan's coalition. And in 1206, at the age of 42, Temujin took the title Universal Ruler, which translates to Genghis Khan, and he addressed his joyous supporters thanking them for their help and their loyalty.Like peoples elsewhere, Genghis Khan's subjects saw themselves at the center of the universe, the greatest of people and favored by the gods. They justified Genghis Khan's success in warfare by claiming that he was the rightful master not only over the "peoples of the felt tent" but the entire world. Genghis Khan continued organizing. He improved his military organization, which was also to serve as a mobile political bureaucracy, and he broke up what was left of old enemy tribes, leaving as ethnically homogeneous only those tribes that had demonstrated loyalty to him. He created a body of law that he was to work on throughout his life. The kidnapping of women had caused feuding among the Mongols, and, as a teenager, Temujin had suffered from the kidnapping of his young wife, Borte. After devoting himself to rescuing her, he made it law that there was to be no kidnapping of women. He declared all children legitimate, whomever the mother. He made it law that no woman would be sold into marriage. The stealing of animals had caused dissension among the Mongols, and Genghis Khan made it a capital offense. A lost animal was to be returned to its owner, and taking lost property as one's own was to be considered thievery and a capital offense. Genghis Khan regulated hunting -- a winter activity -- improving the availability of meat for everyone. He introduced record keeping, taking advantage of his move years before to have his native language put into writing. He created official seals. He created a supreme officer of the law, who was to collect and preserve all judicial decisions, to oversee the trials of all those charged with wrongdoing and to have the power to issue death sentences. He created order in his realm that strengthened it and his ability to expand. 

Conquests in Northern China

Genghis Khan moved to secure his borders. To his south he made an alliance with the Uighurs, who were closer than the Mongols were to the Silk Road and to wealth. He married his daughter to the Uighur Khan, and the Uighur Khan brought to the wedding party a caravan laden with gold, silver, pearls, brocaded fabrics, silks and satins. The Mongols had only leather, fur and felt -- a humiliation for a master of the entire world.Genghis Khan needed booty to pay troops securing his northern border and subduing an old enemy there, the Merkits . He acted on his mandate as the rightful ruler of the entire world and attacked the rulers of farmers and herders in northwestern China, the Tangut, who had much in goods like the Uighur Khan. In warriors the Mongols were outnumbered two to one, and they had to learn a new kind of warfare against fortified cities, including cutting supply lines and diverting rivers. Genghis Khan and his army were victorious, and in 1210 Genghis Khan won from the Tangut recognition as overlord. Also in 1210, the Jin dynastry of Jurchen people, who ruled that part of northern China that included Beijing, sent a delegation to Genghis Khan demanding Mongol submission as vassals. The Jin dynasty controlled the flow of goods along the Silk Road, and defying them meant a lack of access to those goods. Genghis Khan and the Mongols discussed the matter and chose war. Genghis, according to the scholar Jack Weatherford, prayed alone on a mountain, bowing down and stating his case to "his supernatural guardians," describing the grievances, the tortures and killings that generations of his people had suffered at the hands of the Jurchen. And he pleaded that he had not sought war against the Jurchen and had not initiated the quarrel.  

 In 1211, Genghis Khan and his army attacked. The Jurchen (Jin) dynasty had a large and effective army but they were hard pressed by both the Mongols and by a border war with the Tangut. They were also under attack by Chinese from south of the Yangzi River, the Southern Song emperor wishing to take advantage of the Jurchen-Mongol conflict to liberate northern China. But the Jurchen drove the Chinese armies into retreat. The Mongols were benefiting from China  having failed during the previous century to make itself a strong military power. They benefited too from the Jurchen (Jin) dynastry ruling conquered people. The Mongols used divide and conquer tactics, using benevolence toward those who sided with them and terror and bloodshed against those who did not. They ravaged the countryside, gathering information and booty and driving populations in front of them, clogging the roads and trapping the Jurchen within their cities, where the Jurchen (Jin) dynasty was subject to revolts. The Mongols used conscripted labor in attacking cities and in operating their newly acquired Chinese siege engines. Against the Jurchen the Mongols had an advantage in diet, which included a lot of meat, milk and yogurt, and they could miss a day or two of eating better than Jurchen soldiers, who ate grains. Genghis Khan and his army overran Beijing and pushed into the heartland of northern China. Military success helped as people acquired the impression that Genghis Khan had the Mandate of Heaven and that fighting against him was fighting heaven itself. The Jurchen emperor recognized Mongol authority and agreed to pay tribute.After six years of fighting the Jurchen, Genghis Khan returned to Mongolia, leaving one of his best generals in charge of Mongol positions. Returning with Genghis Khan and his Mongols were engineers who had become a permanent part of their army, and there were captive musicians, translators, doctors and scribes, camels and wagonloads of goods. Among the goods were silk, including silken rope, cushions, blankets, robes, rugs, wall hangings, porcelain, iron kettles, armor, perfumes, jewelry, wine, honey, medicines, bronze, silver and gold, and much else. And goods from China  would now come in a steady flowThe Mongols were happy to be back from China, their homeland higher in elevation, less humid and cooler. As eaters of meat and sparsely populated they felt superior to people in northern China, but they liked what China had to offer, and at home there was change. The continuing flow of goods from China had to be administered and properly distributed, and buildings had to be built to store the goods. Success in war was changing the Mongols - as it had the Romans and the Arabs.

Into Afghanistan and Persia

Genghis Khan wanted trade and goods, including new weapons, for his nation. A Mongol caravan of several hundred merchants approached a recently formed Khwarezmid Empire in Persia and Central Asia. The sultan there claimed that spies were in the caravan. Genghis Khan sent envoys. The sultan received them by having the chief of the envoys killed and the beards of the others burned, and he sent the other envoys back to Genghis Khan.Genghis Khan retaliated, sending his army westward. In the coldest of months the Mongols rode across the desert to Transoxiana with no baggage, slowing to the pace of merchants before appearing as warriors in front of the smaller towns of the sultan's empire. His strategy was to frighten the townspeople into surrendering without battle, benefiting his own troops, whose lives he valued. Those frightened into surrender were spared violence, those who resisted were slaughtered as an example for others, which sent many fleeing and spreading panic from the first towns to the city of Bukhara. People in Bukhara opened the city's gates to the Mongols and surrendered. Genghis Khan told them that they, the common people, were not at fault, that high-ranking people among them had committed great sins that inspired God to send him and his army as punishment. The sultan's capital city, Samarkand, surrendered. His army surrendered, and he fled. Genghis Khan and his army pushed more deeply into the sultan's empire -- into Afghanistan and then Persia. It is said that the caliph in Baghdad was hostile toward the sultan and supported Genghis Khan, sending him a regiment of European crusaders who had been his prisoners. Genghis Khan, having no need for infantry, freed them, with those making it to Europe  spreading the first news of the Mongol conquests.

Genghis Khan had 100,000 to 125,000 horsemen, with Uighur and Turkic allies, engineers and Chinese doctors -- a total of from 150,000 to 200,000 men. To show their submission, some offered food to the Mongols, and Genghis Khan's force guaranteed them protection. Some cities surrendered without fighting. In cities the Mongols were forced to conquer, after killing its fighting men, Genghis Khan divided the survivors by profession. He drafted the few who were literate and anyone who could speak various languages. Those who had been the city's most rich and powerful he wasted no time in killing, remembering that the rulers he had left behind after conquering the Tangut and Jurchen had betrayed him soon after his army had withdrawn.The Mongols did not torture, mutilate or maim, but their enemies did. Captured Mongols were dragged through streets and killed for sport and to entertain city residents. Nor did the Mongols partake in the gruesome displays of stetching, emasculation, belly cutting and hacking to pieces that European rulers often resorted to elicit fear and discourage potential enemies -- as was soon to happen to William Wallace on orders from England's King Edward I. The Mongols merely slaughtered, and preferring to do so from a distance. The city of Nishapur revolted against Mongol rule. The husband of Genghis Khan's daughter was killed, and, it is said, she asked that everyone in the city be put to death, and, according to the story, they were.

Into Azerbaijan, Armenia and Eastern EuropeWhile Genghis Khan was consolidating his conquests in Persia and Afghanistan, a force of 40,000 Mongol horsemen pushed through Azerbaijan and Armenia. They defeated Georgian crusaders, captured a Genoese trade-fortress in the Crimea and spent the winter along the coast of the Black Sea. As they were headed back home they met 80,000 warriors led by Prince Mstitslav of Kiev. The battle of Kalka River (1223) commenced. Staying out of range of the crude weapons of peasant infantry, and with better bows than opposing archers, they devastated the prince's standing army. Facing the prince's cavalry, they faked a retreat, drawing the armored cavalry forward, taking advantage of the vanity and over-confidence of the mounted aristocrats. Lighter and more mobile, they strung out and tired the pursuers and then attacked, killed and routed them. In 1225, Genghis Khan returned to country-region. He now ruled everything between the Caspian Sea and Beijing city. He looked forward to the Mongols benefits of caravan trade and drawing tribute from agricultural peoples in the west and east. He created an efficient pony express system. Wanting no divisions rising from religion, he declared freedom of religion throughout his empire. Favoring order and tax producing prosperity, he forbade troops and local officials to abuse people. Soon again, Genghis Khan was at war. He believed that the Tangut were not living up to their obligations to his empire. In 1227, around the age of sixty-five while leading the fighting against the Tangut, Genghis Khan, it is said, fell off his horse and died.In terms of square miles conquered, Genghis Khan had been the greatest conqueror of all time -- his empire four times larger than the empire of Alexander the Great. The Mongol nation believed that he had been the greatest man of all time and a man sent from heaven. Among the Mongols he was known as the Holy Warrior, and not unlike the Jews, who continued to see hope in a conquering king (messiah) like David, Mongols were to continue to believe that one day Genghis Khan would rise again and lead his people to new victories.



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